10 Things To Do After Installing Arch Linux 2023

10 Things to do after installing archlinux

If you have recently installed arch linux on your computer and have no idea about what to do next? This article is going to help with the post-installation setup where I will show you the top 10 things you must do after installing arch linux. I will guide you through the crucial steps needed to optimize the arch linux system in 2023. Lets get started.

Update the System

The first thing to do after installing arch linux is to update the system by running a command in the terminal, which fetches the latest package information and upgrades all packages.

sudo pacman -Syu

Next, it is recommended to install core package tools like nano, git, and other necessary packages for a smooth experience. 

sudo pacman -S nano git vim neofetch

Configure PacMan and mirrors 

It’s time to configure your pacman and mirror list to enhance the package installation experience. First, you need to modify your Pacman configuration file by uncommenting some lines and adding “ILoveCandy” to make the progress bar look like Pacman eating the dots.

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
10 Things to do after installing archlinux

After saving the changes, update the Pacman by running this command.

sudo pacman -Sy

You will now see colored text and a Pacman progress bar while installing any package.

If you face slow download speeds, you can update the mirror list with the fastest servers available. Install Reflector by running a command.

sudo pacman -S reflector

Then, create a backup file of the default mirror list.

sudo cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.bak

Then run the below command to fetch the top 10 fastest servers, which will add them to the mirror list.

sudo reflector --verbose --latest 10 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Then update the pacman by running this command.

sudo pacman -Sy

After running any command to install a package via pacman, you should experience improved download speeds while installing packages.

Note: You can also use reflector to retrieve a fastest mirrors from a specific country.

sudo reflector --verbose --country 'India' -l 5 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

The above command sets the mirror preferred location and retrieves the top 5 mirrors of India and sorts them by download rate. Check countries list:

reflector --list-countries

Setup GUI Desktop

Setting up a desktop environment in Arch Linux can seem like a daunting task, but it is quite simple if you follow a few steps. Arch Linux provides several desktop environments, such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE, and more, so you can choose the one that suits your preferences.

Set Up Display server:

sudo pacman -S xorg

Set Up Gnome Desktop Environment

sudo pacman -S gnome gnome-extra gnome-tweaks gdm 
sudo systemctl enable gdm.service
sudo systemctl start gdm.service

Setup Plasma Desktop Environment

sudo pacman -S plasma plasma-wayland-session kde-applications sddm
sudo systemctl enable sddm.service
sudo systemctl start sddm.service

Setup XFCE Desktop Environment

sudo pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies sddm
sudo systemctl enable sddm.service
sudo systemctl start sddm.service

Install Important Tools

Installing essential packages can greatly improve your experience with Arch Linux, and there are a few commands you can run to add Bluetooth support and install some useful tools. By running these commands one by one, you can easily add Bluetooth support to your Arch Linux system.

sudo pacman -S bluez blueman bluez-utils
sudo modprobe btusb
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth && sudo systemctl start bluetooth

Once you’ve added Bluetooth support, you can then run a command to install some useful packages that can make your life easier. These packages can include various utilities, tools, and software that can help streamline your workflow and make it easier to perform various tasks.

sudo pacman -S p7zip unrar tar rsync git neofetch htop exfat-utils fuse-exfat ntfs-3g flac jasper aria2  

In addition to installing these useful packages, it is also recommended that you set up a Java environment on your Arch Linux system.

sudo pacman -S jdk-openjdk

All users with an AMD or Intel CPU should install the microcode updates to ensure system stability. 


sudo pacman -S intel-ucode


sudo pacman -S amd-ucode

Then update grub ;

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Install Aur Helper & Flatpak

While using Pacman in Arch Linux, you may find that there are limitations on which GUI applications you can install. For example, popular programs like Google Chrome, VSCode, and Timeshift cannot be installed through Pacman. Instead, you will need to rely on the Arch User Repository (AUR) or Flatpak to install additional software.

Yay is a popular aur helper, which simplifies the process of installing and managing packages from AUR.

To install Yay, run this command to install some dependencies.

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git

Then clone the GitHub repository by typing this command.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git

Then navigate to the Yay directory

cd yay

Run this command to install yay:

makepkg -si

Once Yay is installed, you can start installing GUI applications. For example, you can search for VSCode & install it by running the below commands

yay -Ss vscode
yay -S visual-studio-code-bin 

It’s also recommended to set up Flatpak in Arch Linux, which you can do by running this command. 

sudo pacman -S flatpak

Must Install GUI apps

It’s time to install some useful applications that will enhance your basic workflow on Arch Linux. You can go ahead and install applications like Firefox, LibreOffice, VLC, GIMP, and Thunderbird.

sudo pacman -S firefox libreoffice-fresh vlc gimp thunderbird kdenlive krita 

Get additional kernels

In Arch Linux, it’s a good idea to have multiple kernels installed as a safety precaution. If one kernel fails to boot, you can use another one to start the operating system. For instance, I suggest installing the LTS kernel by running a command, as it’s generally considered to be more stable than the latest kernels. Additionally, you can explore other kernels like Zen and Hardened.

sudo pacman -S linux-lts linux-lts-headers
sudo pacman -S linux-hardened linux-hardened-headers
sudo pacman -S linux-zen linux-zen-headers

Use Timeshift

TimeShift is a backup tool for Arch Linux that can save you from losing important data in case of system failure. It’s very similar to Windows system restore and macOS time machine. TimeShift allows you to take a snapshot of your current system and restore it in case of issues. You can install time shift by running this command:

yay -Sy timeshift

Setup firewall

An uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) is a security tool that can help protect your computer from network traffic and block malicious software from accessing your network via the internet. To set up a firewall:

sudo pacman -S ufw
sudo systemctl enable ufw
sudo systemctl start ufw

UFW allows you to have full control over enabling and disabling ports. For example, if you’re running an SSH server on port 22, you can disable this port to prevent connections from remote computers.

sudo ufw deny 22/tcp

SpeedUp App Launch With PreLoad

Preload is a daemon service that runs in the background. It Analyzes the user behavior and tracks what applications are frequently running by the user.

Based on these analyses, it predicts what applications the user might run next and fetches those binaries and their dependencies into memory and hence increasing the start-up time of the applications.

You Can install the preload by running the below commands.

yay -S preload
sudo systemctl enable preload && sudo systemctl start preload

Bonus: Use AutoCpu Freq

Some users on some specific hardware may notice a higher battery consumption rate on Arch Linux than on Windows. This could be noticeable on the laptops. The easiest thing you can solve this problem on arch linux is simply installing auto-cpufreq. This is a very useful tool that actively monitors the battery state, CPU usage, and temperatures, ultimately allowing you to improve battery life without making any compromises.


That’s pretty much it, these are the top 10 things you must do after installing arch linux. If you have any suggestions or queries do let me know in the comments section below.

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